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How We Increased Our E-learning Catalog 217%

Mark Hearon

Blocks of wood stacked in a staggered tower
Stacking is a tried-and-true way to grow

With one year under our belt, we'd like to think we're learning a thing or two about providing TCEQ-approved CEUs for water and wastewater operators. One of the things we didn't know when we started H2Online Training is just how flexible our e-learning course catalog could be. A small seed has indeed begun to look like a flowering plant.

So, how did we grow our e-learning course catalog from 12 to (soon to be) 38? Cue the John Hammond meme.

Dual Credit for the Win

You'd be surprised how few TCEQ-approved on-demand course offerings there are. Factor in that many of them fail to offer dual credit (water and wastewater), and it's rather shocking. Why wouldn't you want to serve the maximum number of TCEQ licenses possible?

Two SpaceX rockets above a landing pad
Lunching 2 products for every 1 course was an out-of-this-world idea.

That's a question we definitely knew the answer to!

As the saying goes, "If you want to end strong, begin with the end in mind." The 12 humble modules we launched H2Online Training with cut 24 ways from day one. So, we started with double the tricks for half the work.

Today, these 24 à la carte e-learning courses enable a bespoke solution for water and wastewater operators who want a small number of CEUs. We've seen folks take 20-hour courses to close a gap of three to eight hours. Not only is that costly, but it's also (quite honestly) a waste of time.

We love that we can give you that time back while saving.

Bundle Up

When we began H2Online Training, our goal was to open the business with a 20-hour core elective course: Water Utility Safety. As it happens, the TCEQ recommended splitting that proposed 20-hour course into separate courses. And thus, the catalog we know and love was born.

Oddly enough, the TCEQ seems to have overestimated how many water and wastewater operators want to buy single courses. It wasn't until we recognized a gap in five and ten-hour course offerings that we decided to create our on-demand course bundles.

A group of chess pawns stand opposed a single, solitary pawn
In our case, grouping our courses made more sense than letting them all stand alone.

Today, our 5-Hour Bundle and 10-Hour Bundle make it easier than ever to close a training gap. As more courses are added, so too can new bundles be added. It's probably the most powerful way we've learned how to leverage our course catalog to provide better options for our hero(in)es in the water and wastewater profession.

It also added two unique products to our catalog that didn't exist before.

Johnny License-Seed

Recently, the TCEQ Office of Waste reached out to inform us our Road Work Zone Safety e-learning course is (after an internal review) approved for leaking petroleum storage tank (LPST) and underground storage tank (UST) license credit. We were amazed by this development, especially since it happened without us asking. Full of enthusiasm, we decided to plant a few seeds.

And, wow, did those seeds grow fast.

Several green seedlings sprout underneath an indoor light
Experimenting with planting seeds with the TCEQ turned into an unexpected bloom.

After suggesting several more of our on-demand courses be considered valid for leaking petroleum storage tank (LPST), underground storage tank (UST), and on-site sewage facility (OSSF) license credit we were rewarded with additional approvals. How cool to be serving more people merely for having asked for the opportunity!

Today, four of our existing courses now serve up to three additional license types. This effectively grew our course catalog by 11 products. And the best part is we're offering something of quality to TCEQ license holders who, in our opinion, are underserved (i.e., starved for choices).

Sometimes, a little question really is all it takes.

The Wrap

It's always exciting to see energy-in-energy-out working in real life. That we can write this article at all is a demonstration of how important all of you are to this whole process.

Not every course will multiply into as many products as the original 12, and that's okay. What matters is that we keep looking for ways to offer a multitude of palatable choices centered on relevant content that's designed with you, the adult professional, in mind. Count on us to stay with that flow.


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